15 years ago on this blessed day, the seed of Our Lady of Solitude Monastery was planted. This inspiration coincided (in God’s All-Knowing Providence) with the Solemnity of the Birth of St. John the Baptist. Of course, at that time, we had no idea that the wind of the Spirit would blow this seed to a desert not so different than the one that St. John inhabited 2,000 years ago.
This anniversary reminds us of that moment when our hearts were moved to say YES to the Lord’s Will for our lives, our community, and our Order, without knowing the details of what that YES would entail. Such a YES was not wholly unfamiliar to us – as something similar is asked of every soul who sets out on the journey of the consecrated life. Also, Mother Angelica prepared us well…having taught us – by word and example – how to thrive with a kind of ease and joy, day to day, in the uncertainty of surrender.
On this day – 15 years later – we look with wonder upon all the Lord has accomplished in these 15 years. Not only did He lead us to build a beautiful Chapel (through the generosity of so many good people!) but He has also been busy building a community, a family of Eucharistic Adorers and Intercessors in the wilds of the desert. We give thanks to Our Eucharistic King for the graces and gifts of the last 15 years – which are too many to count!
“Faith is one foot on the ground, one foot in the air, and a queasy feeling in the stomach.” – Mother M. Angelica, PCPA
Enjoy this photo update of the last few months!

Celebrating Sr. John-Mark Maria’s Birthday with drumsticks and smiles!
Happy and blessed anniversary! Though separated geographically, you are all very close to my heart and in my prayers!
Blessings to you all on the accomplishments of the last 15 years! I have enjoyed following your journey from the very beginning with your departure from Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville, AL. I pray that your future is ever enriched by the beauty of your love of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
One day I hope to make my way to see you all and hopefully to make a short retreat there. I had the privilege of making my canonical retreat prior to my presbyteral ordination at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament, a couple of years ago. I look forward to being able to one day come and visit and meet all of you. I know you had a visitor, Devanie Marie Cooper, a short time ago from my home Diocese of Memphis . She had many wonderful things to say about her visit with you all.
May the Lord continue to Bless each of you and keep you close to His Heart!
Fr Carl Gregorich
St Francis of Assisi Parish
Cordova, TN
Diocese of Memphis