Can you believe it! YES! Just as Haydon promised, the Chapel is coming ‘out of the ground’ by Christmas. There it is, right before our very eyes. What you see to the left is the west wall of the Chapel. It’s wonderful to begin to get a visual of how tall it will be – the very tip top of the cross that sits atop the dome will be right at about 70 ft.
Words can’t begin to describe our joy! What will it be like when this beautiful Temple of God is completed? Our joy will know no bounds. For all of you accompanying us on this ‘building pilgrimage of sorts – whether monetarily or spiritually, we know you share our joy. And this sharing of our joy makes it increase all the more. This Church will be a place where Christ dwells – waiting for visitors to come to spend time with Him in Adoration. It will be a true oasis in the desert. And seeing it take shape brings such HOPE and ANTICIPATION to the heart.
As Christmas nears – now only days away – please know that all of our benefactors, family, and friends are remembered in our prayers. And in a special way, in this Year for Priests, our priests hold pride of place in our prayers and intercession. May the Babe of Bethlehem bless you all…from the arms of His Mother.
Yay, congrats, congrats, congrats, sisters! Can’t wait to visit your chapel, someday. And congrats to Sr. John-Mark Maria (what a great name!) Merry Christmas!
So happy to see your construction is on time and that real progress is being made. Congratulations to your new novice, Sr John-Mark Maria. She is just beautiful in her new habit. Wishing you a wonderful new Year. Kathleen in Maine
What a great year to rejoice! Congratulations to Sr. John Mark! Our prayers are to you as you continue to walk faithfully in the eyes of God. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Br. Vincent in Hawaii
I would love to know how do the sisters get their new names? Do they get to choose? How did all of you get your names and which saints are you named after? Thats would be a great article for one of your newsletters. God Bless You! Happy New Year! conrgratulations Sr John Mark!