As we were packing up our things and preparing to begin this new foundation 6 years ago, the Lord called Pope John Paul II home. It seems like only yesterday that we heard that our beloved JPII had taken a turn for the worst. We all remember where we were when we heard that he died. For many, they never knew another Pope – so long (and blessed) was his pontificate. He embraced the whole world with his apostolic heart. And at the hour of his death, it seemed as though the whole world embraced him through their vigils of prayer and watching. But that was six years ago…
How quickly these years have gone by! What a six years they have been! For our merry little band of nuns – these six years have involved much planning, praying, preparing, and building! Oddly enough (or I should say PROVIDENTIALLY), a big event in the history of our Community (Chapel Dedication, May 7th, click here for more details) is colliding with a historic event surrounding John Paul II. Tomorrow, as we know, is his beatification! Since his death, the world has been on a journey with him. Deepening our understanding of who John Paul II was both in history and in his interior person…and the depth of his union with Our Lord.
Incredibly enough, we now find ourselves witnessing – in our own life time – his beatification.
It is no coincidence, of course, that his beatification falls on Divine Mercy Sunday. His love for St. Faustina and the message of mercy was like a flame that lit the world with love for this great Gift! There is so much for which to be grateful.
I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. – Our Lord to St. Faustina
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