“Always stay close to this Heavenly Mother, because she is the sea to be crossed
to reach the shores of Eternal Splendor.”
-St. Pio
After Mass on Sunday, May 13th, we had our first May Crowning in the new Chapel.  It was a simply wonderful event to Honor our Mother Mary.  About 25 children participated in the procession, bringing flowers to Our Lady.  We then prayed the Litany of Loreto and made the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 
Fr. Billy Kosco, in his talk after the Crowning, spoke of the children’s game “Mother May I?”  The dialogue that goes on between the ‘Mother’ and the other players: “Mother, may I take a step forward?”  Then the Mother says yes or no.  He compared this to Our Lady, when we approach to ask her if we can take steps toward her. She always says YES.  And she says that we can run to her, as fast as we can.  She never stops us from coming to her.  And she then leads us to her Son!
Let us approach Our Mother with the confidence of a trusting child!  With what remains of this month of May, let us strive to honor Our Lady by bringing her ‘flowers’ every day.  The rose of our patience.  The baby’s breath of our kind words.  The daisy of our simple joy.  The wild flower of our freedom.  The lily of our love.  The carnation of our peaceful surrender.  And the violet of our humility.  She will ‘arrange’ these flowers and present them to her Son as a fitting bouquet!
(A great big thank you to the Ladies of Solitude for all their help with the May Crowning and for providing the reception afterwards!)

Gotta love the impish look on Sr. Marie St. Paul’s face 😉