“Every time I extend my arms in prayer to God, I feel that at the same time I am holding the entire world in my embrace.” – a solitary hermit in Chile

“He’s got the whole world in His Hands…”
I wanted to share the following comment with you from Contemplatives and the World, Part I, sent from Sr. Irina: “I remembered our novitiate classroom in the Mother House. We have a big World map on a wall too! Thank you, sister, for this reminding and beautiful thoughts about nun’s embrace. P.S. Find Kazachstan on your map and pray for us too.”
Needless to say, we were thrilled to be united in prayer with this Sister all the way across the globe in Kazachstan – so far away and yet united in the Heart of Jesus! And, for the record, we did indeed find Kazachstan on our map, marked it with a pin, and will pray for Sister and her Community. Leave a comment on this blog if you’d like us to “Mark the Map” with your location. We hope that our Novitiate map will be ‘pinned’ with prayer intentions from every state and every country!
“In one of his stories, Robert Hugh Benson tells of a ‘visionary’ coming upon a lonely chapel where a nun is praying. He enters. All at once he sees the whole world bound up and moving and organizing itself around that out-of-the-way spot, in tune with the intensity and inflection of the desires of that puny, praying figure. The convent chapel had become the axis about which the earth revolved. The contemplative sensitized and animated all things because she believed . . .” (as quoted in Teach Us to Pray)

“They pray for the world, and in that way provide the most telling proof of their friendship.” – St. John Chrysostom
This lowly seminarian in Fort Wayne, Indiana would appreciate your prayers. I am less than a year away from ordination to teh diaconate and need many graces between now and then. Please pray for ym family as well, especially my father Michael and my sister Anne-Marie. Thank you Sisters!
And Indian is goin’ on the map! We would be happy to pray for you and your family! God bless you, Dennis
wonderful idea to know we are all linked and we remember you and pray you think of us.
Hi Sisters…Columbus, Georgia here…not from you and I have visited..so beautiful, peaceful and prayerful..Pax Marie
Dear Sisters,
Thank you for your “motherhood” in your maternal concern for my family and all families. I beg for prayers for me and my husband and our marriage and for our dear friend Sophia who at 14 yes old is suffering with epilepsy; I pray for the conversion of my children and their vocations in Christ. May they follow God with all of their hearts and if it be his will for them to live either holy marriages or be consecrated to relious life or holy orders. Laura Mary Sean Patrick Christian and Claire. Pray for me as their mother to become a saint!
I’m here in the Pocono mountains in the little town of Matamoras PA.
I ask your prayers for me and my family, my two children (one in Arizona and the other in Washington state), and for the repose of the souls of my parents and my brother. I pray for all of you sisters every day!
Sue Skidmore
Please pray for this unworthy priest in Perrysburg, Ohio! Thank you for your vocations!
Hello Sisters from Portland Maine! Keeping you always in our prayers. Please keep us in yours as well. We’re adopting twins from China and we pray they are healthy and that we can go pick them up soon!
I live with my husband and our 2 young boys in Cincinnati, OH. You are in our prayers and love knowing we are on yours.
Greetings from Victorville, California. You are all in my daily prayers. I really enjoy reading your blog.
Hello from Aberdeen, South Dakota! I ask for prayers for my family and also the clients that I serve as a mental health therapist. Please also pray for a new community of Carmelite nuns that are in Hague, North Dakota. They were established a little over a year ago. They also serve the Lord with joy!