Today we had the great joy of welcoming Jennifer to our community. Having completed a 3 month candidacy earlier this year, she begins Postulancy today. Enjoy a few pics from the simple entrance ceremony that took place after Mass. (Click on the pic to view
them larger).
Postulancy denotes a preliminary period before entering the novitiate of our Order. Postulancy is derived from the Latin word “postulare” which literally means “to ask”. During this time, the postulant deepens her understanding of the Catholic faith and learns something of our Poor Clare way of life, our history and spirituality. Also during this time, she learns how to adapt to this new way of life, as she continues to discern her vocation. The duration of postulancy is typically one year, then the postulant may petition the Community to be admitted to the novitiate.
Keep Jennifer in your prayers as she takes this first big step toward embracing the religious life, as she is immersed in our life of Eucharist Adoration, prayer, and communal Gospel living…for the sake of our Beloved and His Church!
Godspeed to you ! dear Little Sister
Congratulations, Jennifer! Best wishes to you during your postulancy!
Blessings, Jennifer, as you begin a most amazing journey of love. May your joys be many and your sorrows few, and may you have the strength to accept those sufferings which may come to you. The Lord’s love is such a precious gift and He gives it so readily and abundantly. Keep before your mind the quote from last Sunday’s Gospel, “I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” You will surely taste the abundant life which He promised. Know that my prayers are with you as you begin a new life.
Congratulations and greetings! Sisters of Poland, Pniewy
Thank you, dear Sisters! So beautiful to get your congrats all the way from Poland. Our thoughts were with you as one of Poland’s own was canonized…St. John Paul II! We know you all must be rejoicing in a special way. United in Our Eucharistic King, your Desert PCPAs
Congratulations Jennifer!
May God bless you and lead you in your journey!
I’m so happy for you dear sisters! Even if I live so far away from you (France), I regurlarly visit your blog, as well as those of Dominican Nuns of Summit, NJ and Passionist Nuns of Whitesville, KY
Has sr Tara left the monastery? we haven’t seen her for a long time
God bless you all,and especially Jennifer (she does not wear the postulant veil?)
Dear Catou,
W’re practically neighbours ! : I live in Belgium !
Do you know “phatmass” ?
I think you’ll enjoy it !!
Also love the blog from the Passionist Nuns
bonjour Lydia de Belgique!
oui je connais phatmass
Congratulations Jennifer!
Is it possible to receive an update on Sr. Tara? So happy your congregation is growing!
God bless!
What a blessing to see this blogpost today. Praying for you, Jennifer, and for all the Sisters there at OLS. PS. love the jumper. 🙂
God bless you, Jennifer!
There is no words to express our joy, happiness and above all the angels in heaven are rejoicing that you have begun your postulancy. May the heavenly Father in Christ Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit give you the courage strength to begin your journey of the soul.
Love and affection from INDIA
Congratulations Jennifer! I will continue to keep you in my prayers during your postulancy. We already miss you here in the Bay Area.
Peace, Love and Joy!
To follow God’s plan for us takes great courage and love! All the very best. I will be praying for you Jennifer!
Why isn’t Jennifer wearing the small veil now? I thought postulants were given one? Thanks for your help!
Jennifer is a postulant. The Church does not consider a postulant to be a religious. She is simply in the first stage of preparation for the later profession of religious vows, at which time she becomes a religious, according to Church law. Since she is not yet a religious, she does not wear a veil or use the title “Sister.”
I am proud of you Jennifer. In His special way, God shares your prayers and love to us all. I think WE are blessed.
Jennifer!! How beautiful!!! Our prayers and love are with you. You have been such a blessing to us.
Congratulations, Jennifer! Your St. Dominic’s Strengths Circle is proud of you!
Many blessings and prayers for you Jennifer on this journey you have been chosen to accept. You are missed at St. Dominic’s. You are in my prayers!
[…] our “Desert nuns”: a new postulant and a new candidate who moved in a week […]
God bless. Sister please send me ur contact number