When the bow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature—every mortal being that is on earth.” – Genesis 9:16

Obviously these photos are not in chronological order! – Sr. Augusta is not a postulant again!  Rather, I am not just getting around to posting a few pics from the celebration the night before her Clothing Ceremony.  We had a little procession from the house to the Chapel, while praying the Litany of Our Holy Mother Clare…however Sr. Marie Andre – just as the Litany began – exclaimed: “Look! – It’s a double rainbow!!”  Unfortunately we only got the one rainbow in this photo – but, boy oh boy, was it ever beautiful!  And they were both full bows – extending from one side of our property to the other!

P1120185P1120206After the Litany, the then-Jennifer (now Sr. Augusta Mary) presented a bouquet of flowers to Our Lady and asked for her maternal solicitude as she enters the Novitiate.

Next we spent some time in Eucharistic Adoration – praising the Lord for His True Presence, His love, His goodness, and for the gift of our life and vocation. “Come to the foot of the altar. Graces will be shed on all, great and little, especially upon those who seek for them.”
 – St. Catherine Laboure

P1120225Upon leaving the Chapel, we were delighted to run into Sr. Augusta’s dear friend from St. Dominic’s – Br. Lupe – who had just arrived from Oakland!  What a blessed reunion and what a gift to have him here to celebrate with us!  Brother has a gift of joy that is contagious! – as see in the photo to the left.  “The secret of life lies in laughter and humility!” – G.K. Chesterton

Then, low and behold, as we headed back to the house we spotted yet another rainbow!  Look closely at the photo below and you will see it right in between Sr. John-Mark and Sr. Augusta’s heads!  Hmmm…Was the Lord woo-ing His beloved a little bit?  I’d say so.
