Fergus before “the summer cut”
Sr. Augusta’s Clothing Ceremony,
A Refelction
by Fergus, the West Highland Terrier
It’s getting hot here in Arizona, so at the end of May, the Sisters decided it was time for the “summer cut”. NOOOO! Not the dreaded summer cut: Bye bye westie fluffy adorableness, hello ‘rat boy’! In an effort to console me, they told me that Postulant Jennifer would be getting a haircut soon too (and a new name…I’m glad I get to keep my name). It helped to know I wasn’t the only one being shorn of my beautiful locks…well, I guess it helped a little.
But really, I wasn’t prepared for her total transformation. Sr. Marie St. Paul, the seamstress, had let me in to the sewing room during Jennifer’s fittings. So I knew that, not only was she getting a haircut, but she was also getting the habit. Sr. Marie St. Paul got a kick out of how moved I was upon seeing Jennifer in the habit. Well, what can I say: she looked beautiful!
Then came the day of her actual Investiture Ceremony (that’s fancy for haircut-habit day). Nothing could prepare me for when I saw her…I kept smelling her feet to be sure it was her. I couldn’t stop looking at her. I kept nudging her leg with my nose – that’s dog for “WOW – I am really proud of you! You look great. A natural!”
When I get groomed, I get shy. But not Sr. Augusta. She was beaming and happy and radiant and confident! Ya, I’d say she got a grooming grace. She helped me to accept the summer cut. So I guess I got a grooming grace too.
The End
By Fergus, West Highland Terror
Aww, what a pal. Blessings to all of you!
Loved reading Fergus’s comments!
He certainly is full of blessings, as is Sr Augusta.
Love to all of you.
Awww Fergus you DO look wonderful in your summer cut! My Maltie-Tzu, Phoebe, just got her summer cut. Her white fur, like yours, is stunning–kind of like sisters new habit. You are a blessed pup to have such sweet humans care for you as your care for them!
Fergus is certainly a perceptive pooch, and a cute one too.
Sister Mary Fidelis, you have a way of entering into the mind of Fergus and cleverly noting his thoughts and feelings. What a gift you have! Thank you for sharing this unique reflection on Sister Augusta Mary’s clothing day. I am sure it is one she will never forget.
You look beautiful Sr. Augusta. I sent you a hat to help in the heat. : )
Hope you have a beautiful summer in the desert.
Thank you so much Debra! Sr. Augusta will be so grateful 🙂
Awww! I love this! Westies and nuns!!! 🙂 Congratulations Sr. Augusta!
Hello Fergus and Sisters —- I love hearing about your adventures and such a handsome boy with your new do!!!! My dog & best friend always tells me — who says your soul mate has to have 2 legs!! Know what — he’s absolutely right. One of these days I plan on a retreat at your convent — that’s on my bucket list
Saint Francis of Assisi is surely smiling at you, dear Fergus – and you really do feel cooler now, don’t you?
Hi Fergus,
My name is Teddy, and I am a 2 year old Westie. Enjoy your haircut. I live in Switzerland where it is cooler, so I am not getting my summer cut until mid-July. My mom wants you to tell Sr. Augusta that she looks beautiful, and we are going to pray for her.
You Westie buddy in Switzerland,
Teddy woof woof
[…] and is now pregnant!), and the sweetest, most loyal and loving dog anyone could ask for (sorry Fergus-you know I love you too now!). Daily, I am giving up the ability to make for myself so many little […]