Rev. Mother Marie Andre with Mother Angelica, 2002
On the very day when we celebrate Our Lord’s victory over death, Mother Angelica passed from this life to the next. Mother holds a special place in our history and our hearts. She received into Religious Life Mother Marie André, Sr. Marie St. Paul and Sr. Mary Fidelis: clothing them in the habit of our Order, receiving their Vows, and guiding their first steps as PCPAs. We were privileged to witness first hand her extraordinary love of the Most Blessed Sacrament, her unwavering trust in the loving providence of the Father, and her unswerving dedication to evangelization (both through EWTN and the hidden evangelization at the heart of our contemplative life). What speaks with particular eloquence now, as we reflect on her life, is her heroic acceptance of suffering – how nobly and patiently she bore the cross with her Beloved Spouse! We are grateful for the example and the love of Mother Angelica and we pray for her happy and blessed repose. Rest in peace, Mother.

Sr. Marie St. Paul and Sr. Mary Fidelis with Mother Angelica, 2004
I admired Mother Angelica greatly. Y’all and all the PCPAs are in my thoughts and prayers. May God grant you comfort as you mourn the passing of an extraordinary person who had such an enormous impact on so many and especially on your community.
Praying for your community and know that Mother Angelica is watching from heaven. The blessings she shared on earth will return tenfold from heaven.
Dear Sisters,
Mother Angelica was indeed a very great and special woman, a woman of holiness, commitment,devotion and deep love for the Lord. You are blessed to have been formed by her for your life of consecration. Surely your hearts must both ache at her passing and rejoice that she has entered eternal life. Surely she is with the Lord. Her life of suffering certainly won her ready entrance into that mansion prepared for her by the Lord. May she live for all eternity in the loving arms of her Spouse.
Be comforted by the Lord,
Judy Kallmeyer
Mother Angelica was and is a great inspiration to me after I read her autobiography . I often listen to her on EWTN. I love one of her many sayings,”We were all made to be great saints” . I know she’s in peace.
Dear Sisters,
It is from Mother Angelica and the OLAM I stumbled upon your first run in 2010 and joined via shadow run from Michigan. You all have been such a blessing to me thru your prayers and testament to the love of Christmas you show, as has Mother Angelica. I can’t imagine the sorrow you feel at this time. I hope the joy of a reunion in heaven gives you comfort
Thank you for all that youndo. Please keep me in prayer as I will you
Christ not Christmas.
Dear Sisters,
I returned to Christianity in 1992 after years of spiritual wandering. I was aiming toward the Catholic Church, and happened upon EWTN. I have to admit I was a confirmed liberal in almost every way, but Mother Angelica changed that. She introduced me to the Rosary, and it changed everything about me. I especially became committed to the pro-life cause, and it is a compass that guides me. I visited the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament for the first time in 2013, and was once again called to a deeper conversion. I returned to my home parish, and one day I ventured around a corner of the sanctuary I rarely passed, and there was a statue of El Divino Nino. It all made sense. I thank the Lord for Mother and her devotion to the Child Jesus, and I ask her to pray that my devotion to Him increases every day. Thank you for being the vehicle of my orthodox formation, Mother.
Until we meet in heaven,
David Greg Taylor
Beautiful testament, Thanks.
Yes, Mother Angelica trained a bunch of us, whether as you as Nuns or us folks outside the cloister. She is most near & dear to our hearts. And since we all love her so much, now we have a true link in prayer. Someone we feel we know handing on our requests to Our Father. She reminds us all to look for our vocations that God has specially given to us and they are unique. And even now as I give her requests, I feel her speaking and nudging even more towards my vocation, what God assigned to me. Thank You Mother Angelica. We love you so much!
Our prayers go out to you on this glorious day as we join Raymond and Mother on their historical tour of EWTN preceding Mother’s Christian Funeral Mass. What a joy and Blessing it has been to travel the EWTN Highway to Heaven all these years. Looking forward to a day of prayer and Mass with all of you very soon. Cliff and Arleen
I was so sad when I heard the news. I’ve been watching EWTN since I was a little kid, and Mother Angelica did so much to support my faith and give it life. She was truly a light of the Church and I hope that she is now enjoying eternal life with her Heavenly Spouse.
Mother helped me return to the church many years ago. Her “nagging” helped me over months time, to go to confession and start over. I will always remember her laugh and genuine personality and her help in showing different ways to pray and read the bible.
May her blessings come down on you and many graces from our Lord
Mother give me the ability to participate in the programmes EWTN brodcast and through this make me want to become a Catholic nun and just do righteousness EWTN make me know my place in life it open my ears to my vocational call from God and I am forever grateful. It has truly save my soul and my life. EWTN is my favorite channel and through it I want and I am going to dedicate my life to worshipping God. May God bless Mother Angelica I know she is in Heaven and I am excited to be there with her one day.God bless you all.