NUN RUN NEWZ – March 20, 2010
OK…everybody get EXCITED!!!! The nun run is quickly approaching. Wanna run? Sign up soon. The sooner you sign up the sooner you can get your fundraising page – to help raise money for Our Lady of Solitude Building Fund. You can ask people to sponsor miles or just donate toward your run/walk. BE CREATIVE. Don’t be shy! Many people ask us: How can we help? There are lots of ways. Just get in touch and we can bombard you with good ideas on how you can be involved!
Check out Sr. Augustine’s Nun Run Blog for more details
They say that a picture speaks a thousand words! So let me share with you a few photos. I think the excitement will be tangible as you get a peek at all the good that is going on in beautiful Tonopah, AZ!
Just in case this collage – which by clicking on it will get larger – didn’t speak a thousand words, let me fill you in on some of the Building Update details. As I sit here clicking away at the computer, 3 of the Sisters are at a construction meeting. Soon enough, this will be old news and I will have to update this blog again. Such is the way of it with construction! OK on to the newz: As you can see from the photos there is LOTS going on. The footers for the Chapel are in – and what great footers they are 🙂 As you can see there are mounds of dirt – as the chapel pad is prepared. Lots of dirt has been moving around the site! Our 2 Haydon connections: Joe and Steve have been wonderful – keeping us up to date on all the goings on! By Christmas, more than likely, the Chapel structure will start coming ‘out of the ground’ so to speak!
It’s a funny thing…this building project! I find myself getting excited over the most random things. For instance, I see this hunk of curved steel and my heart thrills: This is going to be in the House of God! Or I see all that dirt moving, the beautiful land being cleared and made ready – and I think: Rejoice chosen land, upon you will sit a Throne for the King. Of all the possible places in this world, the Lord chose this out of the way place in the heart of the Arizona desert to establish His Eucharistic Reign. It’s awesome to think of – to become ‘synced’ (to use ipod lingo) with the Providential Plans of Our Father! It’s the Advent of Our Lady of Solitude Monastery Chapel. This longing to see what has been promised (in the plans) come to fruition is reaching it’s peak as it is made manifest in reality. This Advent season takes on a whole new meaning for me. It is a time of longing, hoping, anticipating the fruition of what has been promised: A Savior. This Advent my heart is longing, hoping, anticipating the fruition of what has been promised: A place for the Savior to lay His Head…a new Home for our God. Come, Lord, do not delay…

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