Beginning on Sunday, May 31st, Solemnity of Pentecost, the celebration of public Mass will resume at Our Lady of Solitude Monastery, following the Diocesan directives.
Please note:
- Attendance will be limited due to social distancing, church capacity, and other factors. Not more than 35 people will be able to be in the Church building at one time.
- We ask that those who attend Mass at the Monastery practice social distancing. Alternate pews will be roped off to assist with this. Please be aware of social distancing when entering and exiting the Church as well.
When receiving Holy Communion, instead of using the altar rail, we ask that communicants make a single-file line up the center aisle with six feet between each communicant. - The general dispensation from Sunday Mass obligation continues for all in our Diocese. We ask that the sick, those exhibiting symptoms or those who are high risk refrain from coming to Mass. Many local parishes are offering live streaming of Mass with the opportunity to receive Holy Communion after Mass. Check your parish website for details.
- It is important for individuals and families to take personal responsibility to protect themselves by adhering to social distancing guidelines, and by following CDC guidelines for hand washing and hand sanitizer use, as well as recommendations regarding the use of masks or cloth face coverings while in public. Also, at this time, receiving Holy Communion in the hand is recommended
- If you have any questions, feel free to email us
- As always, you and your needs are in our daily prayers as we adore Our Eucharistic Lord. Please feel free to send us your special intentions
Be healthy, be smart, be holy!
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