Yes, everybody…in case you forgot: NUN RUN 2012 is less than 3 weeks away. Mark your calendars, register now: MARCH 10, 2012!!!! Click here to REGISTER!

Same deal as the last 2 years:
Onsite participants: Register before Feb. 25th for the discounted registration fee
Shadow participants: Register before Feb. 23rd to guarantee that your shirt will arrive in time for the race. (we will still try to get race shirts out in time for the race to shadow participants who register after the 23rd. We just can’t guarantee it after that date!)
A SHOUT OUT TO ALL YOU OUT OF STATE RUNNERS: for the last 2 years we have had shadow participants from nearly (if not all) of the 50 States. This year, – according to online registrations – we only have 26 states participating and 3 countries (Wales, Australia, Zambia). So let’s get going people! 🙂 We want all 50 states represented again!
To all you ASU and NAU Students: The Chaplains Challenge is in full swing! Be sure – when you register – to mark your school in the Team Captain section of the registration form. School with the most participants will be awarded the CHAPLAINs CHALLENGE Trophy to be kept at the respective school until next year’s Nun Run. Fr. Matt Lowry (NAU) and Fr. John Muir (ASU) will be racing in the 5K for the coveted Chaplains Challenge plaque! So come out to cheer on your Priests and participate in the run while you’re at it!!!
Click here to check out Sr. John-Mark’s Nun Run Blog!
She is on my top 10 list for most ingenious and funniest people!
She is on my top 10 list for most ingenious and funniest people!
She updates the blog every day (except Sunday). So bookmark it and check it out each and every day till March 10th!
Way to go, Sr. John-Mark Maria!
Way to go, Sr. John-Mark Maria!
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