We are gearing up to begin the Novena to Our Holy Father Francis from Sept. 25th through Oct. 3rd, in preparation for his Feast Day on the 4th. Please send us your petitions so that we can remember them during the novena. The intentions that you send to us will be printed and placed in our chapel near the statue of St. Francis during the Novena.
Let us remember Pope Francis in our prayers during the Novena, as he prepares to celebrate his first patronal name day on Oct. 4th. We still can’t believe we have a POPE FRANCIS! Hurray! Here is a link to a PDF version of the Novena that we will be praying.
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I am thinking of St. Francis and how proud he must be of his little flowers in the desert. Each one unique and beautiful….. Thank you, Sisters for your love of God and your radical witness that touches so many hearts.
Here Here, well said
Thank you so much for this PDF of the Novena to St. Francis. I was recently reading a book which talked about approved miracles performed through the intercession of saints and it mentioned that many people who had received or witnessed the miracles had never before prayed to saints until someone suggested a particular saint. After reading that, I sent up a half-hearted request telling God and ‘all of the saints,’ that if there is anyone that wants to hear my prayers to make it obvious to me. Well, later that exact same day, someone specifically told me that I should pray to St. Francis! Being that praying to St. Francis is new to me, this PDF of a novena to him will certainly help me! I look forward to getting to know him and about him during my own novena. Thanks again Sisters!
May the Lord give you peace. I was searching for a new novena to St. Francis and I was able to open you website. Thank you for your work and was able to send my petitions.
I was always searching where I can ask for free rosaries to be distributed to the children here in the school next month for the month of the holy rosary. pls. include this wish in your petition.
thank you.
God bless you all.
I wanted to remember the start date of the St. Francis of Assisi Novena, but started it late. Can I still say it and make up the two days missed? I so want to do this Novena, St. Francis has been with me since I can remember and got a Statue of St, Francis when I was a teenager. I still have it today.