I beseech Thee, O Lord, that the fiery and sweet strength of Thy love may absorb my soul from all things that are under heaven, that I may die for love of Thy love as Thou didst deign to die for love of my love.” – St. Francis of Assisi
If any human heart ever knew the fiery and sweet strength of God’s Love, no doubt it would be the heart of St. Francis. And if ever there was an age in history that needed to encounter the fiery and sweet strength of God’s Love, no doubt it would be ours.
So…let’s ask for the intercession of St. Francis – that our own hearts and the hearts of all may truly encounter the fiery love of God. After such an encounter, we will not be left unchanged!
St. Francis of Assisi Festivities
with the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
- Novena to St. Francis (September 25th through October 3rd). Click here to download a copy of the Novena. See below to email us your novena intentions
- The Transitus of St. Francis, with Vespers and Veneration of his Relic at Our Lady of Solitude Chapel. Friday, October 3rd, 2014 @ 5 p.m.
- Mass for the Solemnity of St. Francis at Our Lady of Solitude Chapel. Saturday, October 4th, 2014 @ 10 a.m.
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