
Beginning the New Year with Prayer

By |2024-12-30T15:03:50-07:00December 30th, 2024|Blog, Nun News Blog|

“Bring to your encounter with Jesus, hidden in the Eucharist, all the enthusiasm of your age, all your hopes, all your desire to love.” — Pope St. John Paul II Dear Friends, A blessed Christmas to each one of you.  We had a wonderful celebration of Our Lord's birth and were blessed to welcome [...]

Celebrate Christmas at the Monastery

By |2021-12-18T09:41:58-07:00December 18th, 2021|Blog|

Join us as we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord's Birth December 24th - 8:10 p.m. Musical Prelude; 8:30 p.m. Office of Matins; 9 p.m. Holy Mass December 25th - 8:30 - Office of Lauds; 9 a.m. Holy Mass _______ December 31st - 4 p.m. Eucharistic Holy Hour followed by Vespers January 1st - [...]

Christmas Schedule

By |2020-12-21T13:22:15-07:00December 21st, 2020|Blog, Nun News Blog|

Inviting you to celebrate Christmas at the Monastery CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE Thursday, December 24th -Instrumental Prelude: 8:15 p.m. -Matins: 8:30 p.m. -Holy Mass at 9 p.m. *please note: there was a misprint of the Mass time in our recent mailing.  Holy Mass on Christmas Eve is at 9 p.m., NOT at 10 p.m.  Friday, December [...]

“Give Me your sins…”

By |2015-01-05T13:47:47-07:00January 5th, 2015|Nun News Blog|

The economy of salvation is marked by a law whose operation we can still verify in our own lives: the 'theophanies', or manifestations of the mystery, are measured by the kenosis of love; the more our God gives Himself, the more He reveals Himself." - Fr. Jean Corbon Since Christmas Eve, when we set up [...]

Unity in Diversity

By |2014-12-30T23:11:33-07:00December 30th, 2014|Nun News Blog, Reading Reverie Book Reviews, Year of Consecrated Life|

Sr. Marie Andre at Matins on Christmas Eve One of the most beautiful dimensions of Religious Life is community.  And it can also be full of challenges as well! Pope Francis wisely spoke thus (which, no doubt, can be applied to family life, as well): "From experience I know that community life is [...]

Come Celebrate Christmas with Us

By |2014-12-09T22:09:41-07:00December 9th, 2014|Nun News Blog|

Make the pilgrimage out to Our Lady of Solitude Chapel to celebrate Christmas with the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration! Special Mass Times Wednesday, December 24th - Christmas Mass at Night @ 10 p.m. Thursday, December 25th - Christmas Mass in the Morning @ 9 a.m. Sunday, December 28th - Holy Mass @ 10 a.m. [...]

Grateful and Longing Hearts

By |2013-12-04T01:00:51-07:00December 4th, 2013|Nun News Blog|

You turkeys! We were blessed to have Fr. Bob Reddy from Canada and Sr. Genevieve, OSB join us for our Thanksgiving festivities! A belated happy Thanksgiving to you!  We hope your day was filled with much joy, as was ours.  Thanksgiving gives us a great opportunity to reflect with gratitude on [...]

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