saint francis

Enter into the Joy of the Lord

By |2014-05-14T19:49:50-07:00May 14th, 2014|Nun News Blog|

Today we had the great joy of welcoming Jennifer to our community.  Having completed a 3 month candidacy earlier this year, she begins Postulancy today.  Enjoy a few pics from the simple entrance ceremony that took place after Mass.  (Click on the pic to view them larger). Postulancy denotes a preliminary period before entering the [...]

The Moon, Delight, and Dr. Pepper

By |2013-09-19T23:12:50-07:00September 19th, 2013|Nun News Blog|

During a recent family visit, I had the unique experience of watching my 2 1/2 year old niece drink a Dr. Pepper.  My brother opened it for her and she took the shiny can in her hand and looked like her excitement was going to brim over.  She took a sip with a huge smile [...]

St. Francis of Assisi Novena

By |2013-09-16T22:29:40-07:00September 16th, 2013|Nun News Blog|

We are gearing up to begin the Novena to Our Holy Father Francis from Sept. 25th through Oct. 3rd, in preparation for his Feast Day on the 4th.  Please send us your petitions so that we can remember them during the novena.  The intentions that you send to us will be printed and placed in [...]

Rumination Results

By |2013-03-17T01:48:42-07:00March 17th, 2013|Nun News Blog|

This is a follow up to our "Habemus Papam!" blog, where all the Sisters offered their reflections on the new Holy Father.  Sr. Tara needed some extra time to ruminate.  Drum roll's her rumination results: "Francis?... Francis... Francis!... FRANCIS!!! I am moved most by the fact that our new Vicar of Christ, the Servant [...]

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