“What would happen to the Church and the world without the beacons that signal the port to those who are lost on the high seas, without the torches that illuminate the dark night we are going through, without the sentinels announcing the new day when it is still night?” – Pope Francis, for Pro Orantibus Day, 11/21/18
This week has been one of celebrations! Monday got us in “festive mode” as we joyfully celebrated the birthday of our Mother Vicar, Sr. Marie St. Paul (see photos below).
Then today is the Feast of Our Lady’s Presentation and “Pro Orantibus Day” – a time when we turn to Our Lady as the “Model of Contemplation” and the Mother of All Contemplatives – asking that she might intercede for us. We give thanks to Our Beloved Lord on this day for our contemplative mission – to be “the praying heart of the Church.”
And finally the festivities continue on Thursday as we celebrate Thanksgiving. There is so much for which to be thankful! As we give voice to this Litany of Thanksgiving tomorrow, know that all of our family, friends, benefactors and blog readers alike will be remembered in prayer. Join us in giving thanks to the Father for His manifold blessings!
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”—G. K. Chesterton
Happy thanksgiving sisters.
happy thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving blessings to you, good sisters and your new novice who looks so happy!
Thanksgiving blessings to you all!
Happy Blessed Thanksgiving, my dear Sisters.
Happy Thanksgiving, Sisters.
Happy Thanks Giving!