Each day I read a small excerpt from the Diary of Divine Mercy. And many days I spend a few moments looking at the image of Divine Mercy. One thing has often baffled me…Why didn’t Our Lord instruct St. Faustina to have these words inscribed at the bottom of the painting: “Jesus, have mercy.” – or some derivative of that? A few days before the Year of Mercy began, this thought came to me again…Why “Jesus, I trust in You”? When I flipped open the Diary a few moments later, I think St. Faustina answered my question:
O Jesus, I want to bring souls to the fount of Your mercy to draw the reviving water of life with the vessel of trust. The soul desirous of more of God’s mercy should approach God with greater trust; and if her trust in God is unlimited, then the mercy of God toward it will be likewise limitless.” (Diary of Divine Mercy #1489)
Whoa…I mean, WOW…I mean, YESSSS!
As I read these words, which doubtless I’ve read before without them really sinking in, I was and am amazed. His mercy is there for the taking, so to speak. What we need is the vessel of trust with which to draw this life-giving water, and so – like a little child, we say: “Jesus, I trust in You.” That we may truly and deeply trust that the Lord desires to bestow mercy, we repeat: “Jesus, I trust in You.” To trust in His goodness, His love, His invitation to infinitely more goodness and love, we say in unison with all believers: “Jesus, I trust in You.” When we desire liberation from sin and death, we cry out with hope for His mercy: “Jesus, I trust in You.” When the darkness grows and shadows deepen, we say with confidence: “Jesus, I trust in You.”
HIS MERCY IS WITHOUT LIMIT, and so we say: “Jesus, I trust in You.” No matter how many times we fall, we just cry out again and again and again: “Jesus, I trust in You.”
Just one more time, I repeat: HIS MERCY IS LIMITLESS… may our trust be unlimited too!
I’d say this is a great way to enter into this Jubilee of Mercy…
As an addendum: I’m sure there are lots of other passages in the Diary that expound on this more…if you know of any, post a comment with the paragraph #! Share the Mercy 🙂
Hello Dear Sisters…. Here’s another reminder from Jesus to St.Faustina about his mercy….
The graces of My mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only, and that is — trust. The more a soul trusts, the more it will receive. Souls that trust boundlessly are a great comfort to Me, because I pour all the treasures of My graces into them (Diary, 1578).
God Bless all of you!!