Sometimes discernment can seem overwhelming! And often, many questions rise up in the heart of the discerner! So if you have a vocation question…About our way of life? About the contemplative life? About discernment? About God’s Will for your life? About good resources for a specific stage in discernment?
You can anonymously submit your question on the form below (scroll to bottom of the page to find form). Answers from the form will be posted on this page or featured on our blog (we will not personally respond to questions from this form – if you would like to hear from our vocation directress directly re: a specific question you have, click here)
1.) Do you accept older vocations?
Our age requirements for those wishing to discern with our Order are from 21 to 35 (though exceptions may be made up to 40). However, there are orders that accept ‘belated’ vocations. Click here to do a Vocation Search, simply check the box that states: consider older vocations.
2.) Do you get to see your family?
Yes, we may visit with our family twice a year for 3 days at a time.
3.) I have a school loans or another debt. Will this be a hindrance to entering religious life?
Yes, you must be debt free – or have an assurance of being debt free before making Religious Vows. Here’s a great article on debt and the pursuing of Religious Life…with tips and resources to help you become debt-free.
4. I am disabled or I have health issues. I want to live the religious life, but am afraid that my limitations will hinder this.
There are several communties that were founded specifically for those who are disabled or have health issues. Follow this link, scroll down toward the end of the page and you will find some resources that will help.
5. I want to learn more about religious life. Any suggestions?
Read, read, read! Here are some AWESOME resources! Also, visit a monastery for daily Mass or a holy hour. Meet with a priest or sister to ask any questions you might have and to receive some guidance.
6. Do you put ashes on your heads on Ash Wednesday, or do your habits hinder that?
Yes, we do receive ashes from the Priest at Mass on Ash Wednesday. Like everyone else, we receive the ashes on our foreheads (just below our headband…there is just enough room there!).
7. Does your monastery celebrate Holy Saturday as a solemnity, or is it still a more penitential day due to the Paschal Triduum?
While Holy Saturday is the patronal feast of our monastery, we observe Holy Saturday with silence, prayer, and preparation for the Easter Vigil celebration. Communally, to honor Our Lady on that day, we pray the Seven Sorrows of Mary, remaining with her as she awaited the Resurrection of her Son.
8. Does your horarium ever change (i.e., on weekends/Sundays) or do you follow the same basic schedule every day?
Our horarium remains the same throughout the week, but does differ Sundays. Sundays and Solemnities have their own unique schedule. Also, we have a slightly different schedule for the summer as well.
9. How do I write a letter of interest?
The simplest way to express your interest in our Order is to visit the Vocation Contact Us page and fill out the Vocation Inquiry form, telling us a little about yourself (age, job/school, how long you’ve been discerning).
10. Do you accept to live and pray with you one who is a Consecrated Virgin, a member of the Ordo Virginum, inside the cloister?
It is our custom to only admit to our common life and cloister those that are of the same Order (ie Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration).