“As we adore the mystery of how our burden has been borne for us, the most we can do is formulate the resolution to be willing to bear what is given us to bear.” – Hans Urs Von Balthasar

In the seder meal, the youngest child asks the question: “Why is this night different from every other night?”

As we enter into this Triduum, this question comes to mind: “Why is this Triduum different from every other Triduum?”

Over most of the world, things have come to a grinding halt because of the pandemic.  In many ways, we feel like little children – trying to understand what is happening, feeling vulnerable, powerless, small in the face of something so much bigger than we are and seeing the bitter herbs all around us, we ask: “Why is the Triduum different from every other Triduum?”

Praying for all who are suffering around the world, who are anxious, frustrated, fearful, and  alone, I took up Sacred Scripture and read the Last Supper discourse at my Holy Hour this morning.  These well worn pages in my Bible seemed new, as if electrified by a current of grace: “Do not let your hearts be troubled….I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be….Where I am going you know the way.  I am the way and the truth and the life….Whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son…I will not leave you orphans….Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  Not as the world gives do I give it to you.  Do not let your hearts be troubled….Behold, the hour is coming and has arrived when each of you will be scattered to his own home and you will leave me alone. But I am not alone, because the Father is with me.  I have told you this so that you might have peace in me.  In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” (See Jn 14-17)

This Triduum is different from every other Triduum.  Yet, it’s what is changeless that deeply consoles.  In this sacred time, we celebrate Redemption: the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  And this is indeed changeless.  As we journey through these holy days, know that we do so in a union with all who walk along the way of the Cross, “willingly bear what is given to them to bear.”  We carry each of you in our hearts and place you – in all safety – in the Sacred Heart of our Divine Bridegroom.

Before ending this post, we want to express a word of thanks to our beloved Holy Father, bishops (especially our own Bishop Olmsted and Bishop Nevares), and all priests (especially our priests here in the Diocese of Phoenix) – all the good shepherds out there who are laboring to serve and care for their flocks.  On this Holy Thursday, we give thanks to God for you, for your heroic witness, for your zeal for souls, your obedient hearts, for the creativity with which you have responded to a seemingly impossible situation, for the ways that you’ve found to express your spiritual fatherhood in the midst of worldwide crisis: THANK YOU.  We are grateful for you and the very Eucharistic way you have responded to this challenge. We have your backs through our prayer and sacrifice. 

And finally, very importantly, Mother Marie Andre wanted to be sure that all of you know that YOU CAN STILL OBTAIN THE DIVINE MERCY indulgence even though you are unable to attend Mass (Novena to Divine Mercy begins tomorrow on Good Friday).  Click here to read how to obtain the indulgence

Easter blessings from all of the Nuns