As you may have guessed from our lack of blogging lately, things have been VERY busy. We’ve had lots of guests, lots of construction meetings, and lots of things going on. Please be sure to check out the dreams to reality blog for the more nitty gritty of construction. There are some great new shots of the progress on that blog. Stupendous to see how quickly things are getting done!
We’ve been making LOTS of trips to Tonopah – either taking friends/family out to see the site or going out ourselves to meet with Haydon. All these trips will soon come to an end as we permanently move there. We still don’t have any definite moving dates – more than likely it will be late summer. If you know of anyone who owns a moving company and would like to help, let us know!
So many people have been asking how they can help us with this transition to Tonopah. What they can get us as a house-warming gift etc. As you can imagine our needs right now are many and varied. So to everyone who has offered, THANK YOU!
Currently our most pressing need is for funding for a fence/wall around the house – as a means of security for us. So if you would like to donate toward this (or if you happen to own a fencing business and want to make a donation – smile, smile), we would be extremely grateful. Donations can be made online, via pay pal or a check can be mailed to us at: Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration, P.O. Box 92, Black Canyon City, AZ 85324 – please put “fence fund” in the memo line. Checks can be made payable to: Our Lady of Solitude Monastery.
Otherwise, our needs range from landscaping to households needs. Gift cards to Wal-Mart, Basha’s or Fry’s, or Lowe’s are helpful. Or, if you would like to donate toward the landscaping (or if you happen to own a nursery and want to make a donation – smile, smile), we would be extremely grateful!
So to all those who asked: HOW CAN I HELP? I hope this answers your questions! We are so grateful to each and every one of you for your generosity and your desire to assist us. You will not go unrewarded!
Sr. Esther Marie, Brett Eklund, and Sr. Augustine Marie at Deer Valley Airport |
A photo Sr. Esther Marie snapped from the sky! |
How exciting for you to actually start planning the move. You have certainly risen to the challenge of this desert gift. My prayers are with you,
Kathleen in Maine
Your stuff have really nice and very informative. And keep updating with some images.