August/September Slideshow
Enjoy some photos from the Holy Mass in Honor of St. Clare and the EWTN Family Celebration [slideshow_deploy id=1995]
Enjoy some photos from the Holy Mass in Honor of St. Clare and the EWTN Family Celebration [slideshow_deploy id=1995]
Sr. Marie St. Paul receiving Holy Communion on the Solemnity of Our Holy Mother ClarePilgrims who came for the St. Clare Mass and IndulgenceReception after Mass by Ladies of Solitude (THANK YOU!)Friends and Family of our candidate Tara came out to celebrate St. Clare with us.Sr. Marie Andre spending some time with one of our [...]
4th of July Picnic with Brittany and TaraIt's been way too long since I sat down to write a blog. Each day has been very full, very full indeed! But, at long last, I am able to steal a few moments to fill you all in on the goings on here at Our Lady of [...]
Last night I was reading through my Zenit email and came across this story about a woman named Chiara. Upon reading it I was deeply moved by her faith and trust in God's Providence. Chiara Petrillo - 28 years old. As I read the brief account of her life, I couldn't help but think of [...]
Yesterday was the glorious Feast of Corpus Christi! As part of the tradition of our Order, this is one of the Feasts that we celebrate with special solemnity.This year was our first Procession here at Our Lady of Solitude Chapel. We want to share a video of our little Procession. It was such a GREAT [...]
Growing up in the 'country', sharing garden vegetables was as much a part of summer as swimming, picnics, and road trips! Whatever our garden produced, we shared with neighbors and cousins. And it was a two way street! Zucchini, tomatoes, peas, green onions, berries - whatever anyone's garden produced, the whole neighborhood enjoyed it. Such [...]
"I am often asked, especially by young people, why I became a priest. Maybe some of you would like to ask the same question. Let me try briefly to reply. I must begin by saying that it is impossible to explain entirely. For it remains a mystery, even to myself. How does one explain the [...]
“Always stay close to this Heavenly Mother, because she is the sea to be crossed to reach the shores of Eternal Splendor.” -St. Pio After Mass on Sunday, May 13th, we had our first May Crowning in the new Chapel. It was a simply wonderful event to Honor our Mother Mary. About 25 children participated [...]
(photo taken at our Communal Retreat, given by Fr. Marco, in August 2011)Our Community has been blessed to count Fr. Marco Testa - a wonderful Canadian priest and scholar, as a dear friend for over 15 years. He recently published a book in anticipation of the upcoming Year of Faith - which begins in October. [...]
St. Joseph did not hesitate to surrender to God's call, which is always a risk and a leap forward to a promise not fully known, requiring a courage perhaps not easily felt. In his hidden life in Nazareth, St. Joseph lived the most privileged intimacy with God. (from Fr. Donald Haggerty)Seven years ago today, [...]