Here at Our Lady of Solitude, we welcome with gratitude your gifts of time and talent. There are several opportunities to volunteer!
- St. Henry’s Ladies of Solitude Women’s Guild: This is a Ladies Guild organized by Fr. Billy Kosco at St. Henry’s Parish in Buckeye. The Ladies Guild offers assistance to the nuns in many ways. Organized by Wesley Rodermund, the Ladies of Solitude assist the Monastery by cleaning the chapel, picking up the flowers for the altar, grocery shopping, sponsoring receptions for big Feast Days, and doing airport runs. On cleaning days (approx. every 3 weeks), the Ladies of Solitude spend time working, enjoying each others company, as well spending time in Eucharistic Adoration. If you are interested in learning more about the Ladies of Solitude, please contact us below!
- Nun Run Volunteers: The need for Nun Run helpers extends far beyond the volunteers that come out for Race Day. A whole army of helpers assist us throughout for several months preceding the event. We are currently seeking volunteers to be part of our CORE GROUP, who will assist us throughout the year with planning, obtaining sponsorships, and being involved on every level. Please click here for more details!
- Other: If you would like to offer your services to assist with landscaping, maintenance, errands, etc., please let us know how you would like to help!