Vocation Retreat and Resource
"Do no be afraid because great courage is required if we are to open the doors to Christ, if we are to let Christ enter into our hearts...Do not be afraid! If you begin to lose courage, turn to Mary, Seat of Wisdom; with her at your side, you [...]
The Power of Silence
Sadly it's been awhile since we've posted a Reading Reverie Book Review...not because we aren't reading! - but because the days have been going by so quickly and have left little time for blogging! But a book has been making it's rounds in the Monastery and it's obvious that it [...]
St Therese and Mercy
Celebrating the Feast of St. Therese in the Year of Mercy seems very significant to me. After all, Mercy is mentioned about 75 times in her writings. Her path to holiness, the Little Way, was cleared and made ready by Mercy. And, a pivotal moment in her life is when [...]
2 Peas in a Pod: St. Francis and Pope Francis
The message of Jesus is mercy. For me, and I say this with humility, it is the Lord's strongest message." - Pope Francis In the life of St. Francis of Assisi, we see how the Mercy of God met him in his darkest hours. Not only meeting him, but redeeming [...]
Little Drummer Boy and the Parable of the Talents
In the parable of the talents, Jesus warns us not to close ourselves off from coming to know Him through faith, and not to be slothful in using all the things that God is continuing giving us.” - Fr. Tadeusz Dajczer If you’re not familiar with the Parable of the [...]
“Gimme space!” vs. Making Space
Chiara and Enrico learned in a marvelous way how to make space for grace; and grace cannot wait to show us the marvels of what it can do." Usually when I read a book, I plow through it, all the while writing down tons of quotes and putting sticky notes [...]
The Confessions
Ferg doesn't really like when we have our nose in a book! - He would much rather be the center of attention!! (see bottom left of pic) Very slowly I've been working my way through The Confessions by St. Augustine. Surprisingly, it's my first full read of this [...]
Communion with Christ
"What did not lie in my plan lay in God's plan. And the more often such things happen to me, the more lively becomes in me the conviction of my faith that - from God's point of view - nothing is accidental, that my entire life, even the most minute [...]
The Legacy of Spiritual Fathers and Mothers
The flu has visited our community, inviting some of us to a different sort of Lenten penance than originally planned. I spent the greater part of my own 'forced retreat' with some good friends, just catching up. Yes, St. Therese and Pope St. John XXIII were happy to keep me [...]
The 7 Penitential Psalms
"From my own experience I can certainly say that these seven psalms, though not all equally, are one of God's greatest gifts in keeping us in touch with a true sorrow for sin and in giving us the words we need to pierce through the haziness of self-justification." - Mother [...]
WRAP Yourself in Scripture
It's is time for another Reading Reverie Book Review! I can hardly believe that I have not yet reviewed this book, WRAP Yourself in Scripture. For the last 3 or 4 years, it has been my constant companion. I carry it with me to Eucharistic Adoration each day, as well [...]
Unity in Diversity
Sr. Marie Andre at Matins on Christmas Eve One of the most beautiful dimensions of Religious Life is community. And it can also be full of challenges as well! Pope Francis wisely spoke thus (which, no doubt, can be applied to family life, as well): "From experience I [...]