Sancte Ioseph, vir Mariae, de quam natus est Iesus, Ora Pro Nobis
Prayer to St. Joseph (to be said after the Rosary) by Pope Leo XIII
We come to thee, O blessed Joseph, in our sore distress. Having sought the aid of thy most blessed Spouse, we now confidently implore thy assistance also. We humbly beg that, mindful of the dutiful affection which bound thee to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and of the fatherly love with which thou didst cherish the Child Jesus, thou wilt loving watch over the heritage which Jesus Christ purchased with His blood, and by thy powerful intercession help us in our urgent need. Most powerful guardian of the Holy Family, protect the chosen race of Jesus Christ; drive far from us, most loving father, every pest of error and corrupting sin. From thy place in heaven, most powerful protector, graciously come to our aid in this conflict with the power of darkness, and as of old thou didst deliver the Child Jesus from supreme peril of life, so now defend the holy Church of God from the snares of Her enemies and from all adversity. Have each of us always in thy keeping, that, following thy example, and borne up by thy strength, we may be able to live holily, die happily, and so enter the everlasting bliss of heaven. Amen.
O blessed Joseph, faithful guardian of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, protector of thy chaste spouse, the virgin Mother of God, I choose thee this day to be my special patron and advocate and I firmly resolve to honor thee all the days of my life. Therefore I humbly beseech thee to receive me as thy client, to instruct me in every doubt, to comfort me in every affliction, to obtain for me and for all the knowledge and love of the Heart of Jesus, and finally to defend and protect me at the hour of my death. Amen
Prayer for a Happy Death
O Blessed Joseph, you gave your last breath in the loving embrace of Jesus and Mary. When the seal of death shall close my life, come with Jesus and Mary to aid me. Obtain for me this solace for that hour, to die with their holy arms around me. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I commend my soul, living and dying, into your sacred arms. Amen.