Essentially, the Poor Clare of Perpetual Adoration begins to do on earth what every blessed soul will do for all eternity: praise, adore, and offer thanksgiving to our God. Our life is one of total dedication to Eucharistic Adoration, in a spirit of reparative thanksgiving.
What is a charism?
“Charism” is the Greek word used in the New Testament for “favor” or “gratuitous gift.” In the glossary of the Catechism, charism is defined as “a specific gift or grace of the Holy Spirit which directly or indirectly benefits the Church, given in order to help a person live out the Christian life, or to serve the common good in building up the Church. See Paragraphs 799-801 in the CCC
About the Charism of the Contemplative Religious:
“A monastery is a true ‘powerhouse’ of spiritual energy that is nourished at the source of contemplation, after the example of prayer to which Jesus devoted Himself in solitude, immersing Himself totally in dialogue with God the Father, to draw the necessary strength for His saving mission. The Church prolongs Christ’s mission in time: among the many charisms which enrich Her, She also cherishes the very precious one of the contemplative life, cultivated in monasteries, as a response to the absolute love of God Who in the Incarnate Word united Himself to humanity in an eternal and unbreakable bond. Monasteries of women express the exclusive union of the Church with Christ Her Bridegroom with particular eloquence, reliving the experience of Mary, the Virgin of silence and listening.” – Pope St. John Paul II
About the Charism of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration:
“Eucharistic Adoration in a spirit of reparative thanksgiving was the special inspiration given to Mother Marie Claire, who was moved by the Gospel story of the ungrateful lepers to establish the ideal of perpetual thanksgiving in our Order. Faithful to this gift from our Founders, we continually offer grateful praise as we rejoice in the Lord’s Eucharistic Presence.”
“Our life as Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration is our unique response to God’s initiative on our behalf. His love empowers us to express in our lives that vision which first took form in the heart of Mother Marie Claire Bouillevaux who united the Franciscan form of Gospel living with special dedication to Eucharistic Adoration in a spirit of thanksgiving.” -from the PCPA Constitutions
Reparative thanksgiving may be understood as the offering of our gratitude to God for the Gift of the Most Blessed Sacrament, on behalf of those who never thank Him; it is the oblation of our thanksgiving for His love in the place of those who do not love Him; it is to make the gift of our life to Him, for those who have no time for Him.
Words from our Foundress, Mother Marie de Ste. Claire, about the duties of a Poor Clare of Perpetual Adoration:
“To devote ourselves to Jesus in the Eucharist, to the Church, to the interests of the glory of God, to the extension of the Kingdom of Our Lord, these are our duties. And do not say that, because of our humility, it is too great a vocation. As adoring souls, we must lead all souls to Jesus, but principally the souls of Priests. In our holy Constitutions, in effect, we are told that we must not be content with our own sanctification, but we must make it our business to pray for the missionaries. All those who have the care of souls should be the object of our supplication. To reach sinners, holy Priests are needed; to direct chosen souls, holy Priests are needed; and for us too, for the fervor of our little Community, holy Priests are needed. Finally, who will give us Jesus in the Sacrament of Love if not the Priest?”
To learn more about our PCPA charism, check out these links:
The Catholic World Report’s interview of Mother Marie Andre
Dumb Ox’s Heart of Living Podcast featuring Sr. Mary Fidelis