Do we choose the Saints or do they choose us? Do we choose that for which we intercede or is it the LORD who places the desire to pray for a certain intention deep within us? We believe that it is indeed the Saints who first draw us to them, as well as it is the LORD who places the desire in us to pray. This beautiful freedom to respond to such inspirations helps us to grow in a glorious freedom in our life with the Lord.
Some Sisters are drawn to intercede for the dying, others for the Holy Souls. Some Sisters pray for those in the entertainment industry, others pray for those who are serve our country. Some Sisters pray to St. Francis of Assisi, others to the English Martyrs. Each of us has our own unique path to the LORD. As our interior life grows and matures, what and how we pray will change and develop as well. Let us always be pliable in the hands of the Lord, allowing Him to lead us along the path He has marked out for us.
We hope that you enjoy some of the devotions that all of us hold in common. Many of the prayers included in this section of the website find their way into the daily prayers of many of the Sisters.