“I have said this to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
-Jesus at His Last Supper (Jn. 16:33)
“I have said this to you…
God speaks to us!
“In the silence of the heart God speaks. If you face God in prayer and silence, God will speak to you.” -Saint Teresa of Calcutta
God loves us with His Whole Heart! He is not far removed, “watching from a distance”, but is near and eagerly desiring deep friendship with each one of us. This friendship is strengthened and sustained in prayer (quality time with God). “Lord, teach us to pray.”
…that in Me you may have peace.
“All the reasons that cause us to lose our sense of peace are bad reasons”- Fr. Jacques Philippe
In His Will is our peace. Every day brings new opportunities to learn what it means to live in His Will, in the peace God so desires to give us! A peace that “surpasses all human understanding”, a peace that is resting in the arms of our Father; just as Jesus rests in the arms of His Father and Mother, Mary. “Only in GOD is my soul at rest.” We can get so easily swept up into the fast pace and pressures of the world, which usually lead to anxiety and loss of interior peace. Thankfully, the Lord does not leave us there but “restores our souls” (cf Ps. 23) time and time again, as many times as we ask. He never runs out of Mercy, because it is Who He Is.
In the world you have tribulation…
No ifs, ands or buts. Jesus makes it clear! Tribulation (=suffering) is not optional. We are in the world; therefore we will suffer. The good news:
“One cannot love without suffering” -St. Margaret Mary
The greatest victories of love in our lives come through suffering. Suffering gives us the opportunity to be deeply united with Christ in Love. “To live is Christ” (St. Paul). In suffering we can be closely united With Him, on the cross. The cross is the school of Love, where we are disciples (students) of the Crucified. As we follow in His footsteps, we trust Our Teacher Who sets an example for us of how to suffer…even though He does not always give us the answers to our “whys”, He always answers with Himself.
…but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world!”
Amen! Because of the cross, we share in the glory of Resurrection. Deep suffering yields to the deepest of joys. And, whatever we are facing, Jesus peacefully instructs us to “cheer up!”, because He is with us and He has already overcome the world. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and He’s got the whole world in His hands!
Hello Virgins of Christ,
The Monastery in AL. has Latin Mass. Is this offered here?
I would love to visit, Mass & prayer… We moved here from Ky.
Please send Map directions
Hello Rose and Gary, our conventual Mass is the novus ordo. Kindly visit the contact us page to request directions. Thanks so much and God bless you
I am so privileged to have discovered your monastery and your prayers for sinners like me. I am in Nigeria and am unable to donate in support of your mission but I will return to share your spiritual accompaniment.