
St. Joseph did not hesitate to surrender to God’s call, which is always a risk and a leap forward to a promise not fully known, requiring a courage perhaps not easily felt.  In his hidden life in Nazareth, St. Joseph lived the most privileged intimacy with God.    (from Fr. Donald Haggerty)

Seven years ago today, under the protection and patronage of St. Joseph, we departed from Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Alabama and headed West to begin this foundation in the Diocese of Phoenix, Arizona. Great St. Joseph has been with us from the get-go and has not left our side – like a good father, he protects, guides and intercedes for us in our big needs and our little needs. There isn’t a statue of St. Joseph (save for the one in the public Chapel), whose hands are not filled (literally) with all of our petitions.

St. Joseph teaches us how to surrender to God’s call, how to risk, dare, leap, hope, and trust. He teaches us how to live an hidden and humble life, consumed with the manual labor of ordinary daily tasks and deep intimacy with Jesus, accompanied by Our Lady.

I believe that it would please Mary greatly that the first day of May, the month dedicated to her honor, is spent praising her husband, St. Joseph.

Speaking of Mary, on Sunday, May 13th, we will have a May Crowning after Mass (Fr. Billy Kosco will celebrate Mass at 4 p.m.). We invite young girls between the ages of 5-12, to join the May Crowning Procession. Parents, if you have any girls interested in participating, please email us at [email protected] for more details.