We have been busy beavers this last couple months(I pray you all will accept that as my excuse for not blogging in lately!!). We had our annual communal retreat in mid-Feb with Fr. Maruisz Koch and Br Andrew both from the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal(franciscanfriars.com). It was a blessed week of insightful spiritual conferences and Franciscan fellowship!!! Just what the Divine Doctor ordered.
Literally the day after our retreat ended we were triply blessed with a visit from three of ‘our’ Friars; Fr Anthony Mary(the community servant) with two of the novices Brs. Paschal and Luke. And what a week it was. The two Brothers being avid outdoorsman(and gluttons for adventure!) hiked the Grand Canyon and spent the night at the bottom! They are the first of the Friars to do this, so I am sure they did a lot of boasting when they went back to Alab
We would like you to formally welcome aboard to the OLS building project our new General Contractor Jeff. Let’s all give him a hand with our prayerful support…he’s got quite a job ahead of him working with five Poor Clare Nuns who have no problem giving their opinion. Seriously, we are very thrilled to have him working on the project as he is a ‘crackerjack’ construction ace and a very faithful and zealous Catholic…so he understands the workings of Providence, which very often ‘humanly’ don’t make sense. While we are waiting for the building permits Jeff is working on site-prep which includes digging the well and building the Enclosure Wall that will surround the property. This is a big step for us as we do not have all the funds needed, we ask your prayers and for all those who have financially helped in the past, we humbly ask that you consider donating again. Please know that we are most appreciative of your support, and nothing is too small, the Lord multiplies everything given with love a hundred fold. Check out Dreams to Reality… https://desertnuns.com/medieval_fundraising2.htm
Wishing you and all your’s a blessed Holy week and JOYOUS Easter. See you at the empty tomb!
In the heart of Jesus and Mary-Sr Mary Blogger
Thank you sister for posting this…I was just this morning feeling dispair at having failed in so many of my lenten promises. I realize now that I can only improve. I have been praying more, for you and others and I hope your “dreams do come true” although our time and God’s time isn’t always the same. (another thing I am always working on)
Thank you for the update, your guidance and God Bless you all. Happy Easter!
Deb R.
I am having a similiar experience. Yesterday I was berating myself for not having “the Lent” I was aiming for on Ash Wednesday. So, I appreciate your comments, and your wisdom. I, too, pray for all of you. Thank you so very much. Kathleen
Don’t we all fall into that trap. God knows our hearts, our intents and THANKFULLY loves us anyway. Which is really cool because then we get to express that mercy to people that we think “aren’t quite up to snuff.” I think we learn a little thing called HUMILITY.
Part 2 I expressed this opinion to another Cloistered community on line. Why apologize for the lack of “blogging?” Sisters don’t apologize, your vocation is not blogging it is praying. I don’t care if you never write another word again, as long as you pray.
I agree!
“Nothing should be repulsive to the servant of God but sin.”
Admonition 11
Sisters, thank you for sharing the pics of the dogs…they are so cute! Do you still have the cats and do they get along??
Thank you for sharing your Easter with us also..you are always in my prayers.
A Blog. By cloistered nuns! What a wonderful idea. How many young people ever give a thought to other young men and women who have left the world to give their lives to God? But who knows who will be influenced by reading this blog? It’s a wonderful idea. God bless and keep you. A Grandmother
A Blog. By cloistered nuns! What a wonderful idea. How many young people ever give a thought to other young men and women who have left the world to give their lives to God? But who knows who will be influenced by reading this blog? It’s a wonderful idea. God bless and keep you. A Grandmother