What gives us true freedom, true salvation and true happiness is the compassion, tenderness and solidarity of His love. Christ’s poverty which enriches us is His taking flesh and bearing our weaknesses and sins as an expression of God’s infinite mercy to us. – Pope Francis
This Lent has brought many visitors to Our Lady of Solitude Chapel – for retreats, to pray, to adore, and even to bring alms… Enjoy a few photos of some of our visitors!
I wish I lived closer would love to be able to attend Mass and just enjoy the holiness that prevails there.
Thank you Sisters for giving us a wonderful place to be with the Lord
Hey Sisters! Thank you so much for welcoming us to your home for us to have such a wonderful retreat!! It was truly a blessed day!! Theresa
This must be a wonderful way for people to go on Spring vacation (also known by us Catholics as Easter). Sisters by the looks of the pictures people do love you (loads of groceries). If I were younger, I would ask to join your group. Have a blessed Easter. Delores