Yes, when it reaches 105 in our little neck of the woods, then we know it’s officially SUMMERTIME! Another sure sign that summer is here is that the flys are out in force, testing even those with Job-like patience! To all of you who are going on summer vacation, ENJOY! And know that we are praying for your safety in travel and we are asking the Lord to grant you a time of relaxing renewal!
Here at Our Lady of Solitude, we had our Summer Mass of Thanksgiving with one of our dearest friends: Fr. Fred Adamson. On Saturday, June 11th, he offered a Mass of Thanksgiving for this miracle in the desert! It was a day of great joy for all of us. Reflecting back upon our 6 years here in the Diocese, Fr. Fred has been with us each and every step of the way – offering advice, fatherly support, and the gift of his friendship. He was there at the very first meeting with had with Bishop Olmsted in 2004 when we were still only praying (and hoping and dreaming) of this foundation. Surely these hopes and dreams have been supported by his prayers for these years.
We have one more Mass of Thanksgiving scheduled with Bishop James Wall on Saturday, September 24th (more events to be scheduled in the future). Be sure to mark your calendars. All are welcome to attend.
Enjoy the photos below from the Summer Mass of Thanksgiving…
Dear Desert Nuns,
Your blog is really nice !!
God bless you and all the good work your are doing for Our Lord!
Peace in Christ!
Deacon Brian
Dear Desert Nuns,
Your blog has been as inspiration for me to also begin one as part of the new evangelization. Thank you, and please keep praying for us!
God Bless you all and your new church!!
Rachel from southern IL
I had the privilege and honor of attending three of the daily masses, and what a beautiful liturgy. It was so heavenly, I wrote a blog on it, and I also brought three different groups of young adult Catholics to the mass.
Also, thank you for reaching out to the world through your blog.