Here at the Monastery things have been rather busy!  Earlier this month we were blessed to have Jennifer join us from the San Francisco area.  She is doing her candidacy with us now (a  3 month live-in discernment period).  Do keep her in your prayers, as she discerns and experiences our life at PCPAs.

Last weekend we were blessed with a visit from Mu Epsilon Theta – the new Catholic Sorority at ASU.  About 15 young ladies came with Fr. Theilo Ramirez to spend time in prayer and reflection.  Sr. Marie Andre gave a talk on Religious Life, Sr. Mary Fidelis on the Feminine Genius, and Sr. John-Mark fielded all their questions.  The day concluded with a Holy Hour and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  It was wonderful to be with these inspiring ladies – who are striving…in the midst of a secular university…to live truly Catholic life!  Let us keep them and all of our young people in our prayers.  Bl. JPII, Pray for Them!  Next weekend we are gearing up for a visit from the NAU Lumberjacks – as they come for their bi-annual day of prayer.


asu1Sr. Marie St. Paul’s birthday’s birthday coming up on November 19th! However, when our friend and volunteer Cory (who shares the same birthday) brought this yummy cake and flowers, we began celebrating a little early!  What a treat!!!!!  Keep Sister (and Cory) in your prayers on the 19th, Feast of St. Agnes of Assisi, as we celebrate their gift of life!

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This week we have 3 Priests and a Religious Brother on retreat here at Our Lady of Solitude.  Do keep them in your prayers – for a fruitful and grace-filled time of solitude, silence, and prayer.

And finally the Nun Run website is up and running, with help from our friend Sheila Brandt (a big shout out of thanks to her!).  Be sure to check out the new site for all the latest Nun Run news.