“Rejoice with inexpressible joy touched with glory…” (1Peter 1:6-9)
The Triduum and Easter Celebrations at Our Lady of Solitude were simply beautiful. This was our first Easter in the Chapel. And the quote above from 1Peter sums up the experience perfectly.
Holy Week started with Fr. Billy Kosco celebrating the Palm Sunday Mass. It was a special day for Poor Clares as we celebrate Our Holy Mother Clare’s departure from her family, to begin her Religious Life. Pope Benedict XVI recounted this anniversary with the following words:
How can we not propose Clare, and Francis, to young people today? The time that separates us from the event of these 2 saints has not diminished their power of attraction. On the contrary, we can see their relevance in the face of the illusions and delusions that mark the contemporary condition of young people. Never before has a time inspired so much dreaming among the youth, with the thousand attractions of a life in which everything seems possible and licit. And yet, how much dissatisfaction is present, how often the pursuit of happiness, of realization ends up setting out on roads that lead to false paradises, such as those of drugs and unbridled sexuality! The current situation of difficulty in finding dignified work and of forming a unified and happy family, also adds clouds to the horizon. There is no lack, however, of young people, in our times too, who accept the invitation to give themselves to Christ and to face the journey of life with courage, responsibility and hope, even making the choice to leave everything to follow him in total service to him and to our brothers. The story of Clare, together with that of Francis, is an invitation to reflect on the meaning of existence and to seek in God the secret of true joy. It is a concrete proof that those who do the Lord’s will and confide in him not alone do not lose anything, but find the real treasure that is able to confer meaning on everything.
For the Triduum celebrations, we were blessed to have two wonderful Priests with us – Fr. Greg Menegay and Fr. Robert Bolding. Below are photos to allow you to share in our ‘inexpressible joy touched with glory!’
Altar of Repose at Our Lady of Solitude |
Praying the 7 Sorrows of Mary on Holy Saturday |
We praise God for the all the graces, blessings an inexpressible joy that He gives so freely. The Lord is risen, Alleluia. He is risen indeed! Alleluia, Alleluia!!!
Thank you for sharing your photographs with us. Almost makes me feel as if I were there. I can’t think of a more perfect place in which to celebrate the Triduum and Easter. You are so blessed in your vocation!!! Sure would love to join you for the holy days, but I live far too far away. You all are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Have a joyous and blessed Easter Octave!
Gee – I thought she was taller than that!